Identify Which Worker Is Running a WebdriverIO Test

Photo by Austrian National Library on Unsplash Sometimes it’s helpful to be able to identify which WebdriverIO worker is running a particular test. This is especially important when running tests in parallel. For instance, where I work, we struggled with the length of time it took to run all of our end to end tests. These tests ran slowly, and it could take up to 45 minutes for a development team to see the results in the test reports.

Setting Up Docker on macOS M1 Arm64 to Use Debian 10.4 Docker Engine

Introduction This set of instructions eliminates the need to use the proprietary Docker Desktop for Mac on the Mac M1. First, we’ll start by launching a Debian Virtual Machine using UTM for Mac, which uses QEMU under the hood. After launching the VM, we’ll install openssh-server and enable it to start on boot. Then we’ll install Docker on the VM and verify the installation with the arm64v8/hello-world Docker image.